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All Dates (UTC+8):
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  • 2023-05-30 [Tuesday]
  • 2023-05-31 [Wednesday]
All Rooms:
  • All
  • Multifunctional Hall, 5F Podium
  • Banquet Hall, 30F
  • NDB Boardroom,30F
  • Press Conference Room, 4F Podium
  • Shangri-La Qiantan, Shanghai
  • Executive Lounge, 30F
  • Meeting Room 29599

2023-05-30 Tuesday

Multifunctional Hall, 5F Podium (UTC+8) 2023-05-30 Local Time

10:30-11:30 (UTC+8) 10:30-11:30 Local Time | Opening Plenary Session of 8th Annual Meeting of Board of Governors1. Statement by State Leader of China 2. Address by NDB President 3. Official Statements by NDB Governors
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker
1 10:30-10:40 10:30-10:40

Statement by State Leader of China

State Leader of China
2 10:40-10:48 10:40-10:48

Address by H.E. Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, NDB President

Dilma Rousseff
3 10:48-11:28 10:48-11:28

Official Statement by NDB Governors

15:30-17:30 (UTC+8) 15:30-17:30 Local Time | Flagship NDB Governor Seminar - Innovation Driving Global Development
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker
1 15:30-15:35 15:30-15:35

Introduction by Master of Ceremony

Xin Liu
2 15:35-15:40 15:35-15:40

Opening Remarks

Dilma Rousseff
3 15:40-16:10 15:40-16:10

Keynote Speech

4 16:10-17:25 16:10-17:25

Panel Discussion

5 17:25-17:30 17:25-17:30

Closing Remarks

Xin Liu

Banquet Hall, 30F (UTC+8) 2023-05-30 Local Time

12:00-13:00 (UTC+8) 12:00-13:00 Local Time | Governors & Directors Lunch (by invitation only)

NDB Boardroom,30F (UTC+8) 2023-05-30 Local Time

13:15-15:15 (UTC+8) 13:15-15:15 Local Time | Business Session of 8th Annual Meeting of Board of Governors (by invitation only)

Press Conference Room, 4F Podium (UTC+8) 2023-05-30 Local Time

17:30-18:30 (UTC+8) 17:30-18:30 Local Time | NDB President Press Conference (Media Only)

Shangri-La Qiantan, Shanghai (UTC+8) 2023-05-30 Local Time

19:00-21:00 (UTC+8) 19:00-21:00 Local Time | Host Country Dinner and Culture Program

2023-05-31 Wednesday

Multifunctional Hall, 5F Podium (UTC+8) 2023-05-31 Local Time

10:00-12:00 (UTC+8) 10:00-12:00 Local Time | High Level Seminar on Resource Mobilization for Connectivity in the Digital Era
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker
1 10:00-10:05 10:00-10:05

Opening Remarks by Master of Ceremony

Leslie Maasdorp
2 10:05-10:15 10:05-10:15

Welcoming Remarks

3 10:15-11:15 10:15-11:15

Keynote Speech

4 11:15-12:00 11:15-12:00

Panel Discussion

14:00-16:00 (UTC+8) 14:00-16:00 Local Time | High Level Seminar - Deepening the Global Partnership for Development
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker
1 14:00-14:10 14:00-14:10

Welcoming Remarks

2 14:10-15:00 14:10-15:00

Keynote Speech

3 15:00-16:00 15:00-16:00

Panel Discussion

Executive Lounge, 30F (UTC+8) 2023-05-31 Local Time

12:00-14:00 (UTC+8) 12:00-14:00 Local Time | Brown Bag Lunch Workshop on Showcases for NDB Chinese Projects (by invitation only)
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker
1 12:00-12:25 12:00-12:25

Video Exhibition

2 12:25-12:30 12:25-12:30

Opening Remark

3 12:30-13:00 12:30-13:00

Session 1: Offshore Wind Power Projects, Session 1A: Exhibition of offshore wind power projects in China

4 13:05-13:35 13:05-13:35

Session 2: Transport Project, Anhui Tongling G3 Road-rail Bridge Project

5 13:35-13:45 13:35-13:45


Meeting Room 29599 (UTC+8) 2023-05-31 Local Time

10:30-12:00 (UTC+8) 10:30-12:00 Local Time | Investment Opportunities and Challenges in India and Bangladesh
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker
1 10:30-10:33 10:30-10:33

Welcome Remarks

2 10:33-10:40 10:33-10:40

Inaugural address

3 10:40-10:47 10:40-10:47

Remarks by Gov. of India official

4 10:47-10:54 10:47-10:54

Remarks by Gov. of Bangladesh official

5 10:54-11:01 10:54-11:01

Enabling clean energy transition for decarbonized economy

6 11:01-11:08 11:01-11:08

Steps towards Net Zero target – Green Hydrogen

7 11:08-11:15 11:08-11:15

Accelerating private sector investments through local currency financing

8 11:15-11:22 11:15-11:22

Equity support as an enabler for catalyzing investments

9 11:22-11:55 11:22-11:55

Panel Discussion and Q&A Moderated by Svetlana Radchenko, Chief, Private Sector Department, NDB

10 11:55-12:00 11:55-12:00

Concluding Remarks